Easy Creation of GnuPlot Scripts from C++


1 What is it?

A simple C++17 library that allows easy creation and execution of gnuplot scripts. These scripts will embed their data and can be replayed/modified later.

The library depends on {fmt} library.

I use it when I want to plot some data with a minimal effort when I develop stuff in C++.

For the moment the library is only tested under Linux (it should also works under Windows but I have not checked yet).

Feel free to use it: GitHub, GnuPlotScripting.

1.1 News

  • <Mon Dec 9 2019 18:34>
    Added SVG, TGIF, PNGCairo and PDFCairo export formats. Tagged as v0.0.3.
  • <Sun Dec 8 2019 20:21>
    Some minor fixes + doc concerning Global_Config logger methods. Tagged as v0.0.2
  • <Sun Dec 8 2019 11:21>
    Initial version. Tagged as v0.0.1

1.2 Contributors

2 Installation

The library currently uses the meson build system.

If you are not familiar with meson, the compilation procedure is as follows:

git clone git@github.com:vincent-picaud/GnuPlotScripting.git
cd GnuPlotScripting/
meson build
cd build
ninja test

Examples can then be found in the build/examples/ directory.

3 Examples

3.1 Plot and fit data

#include "GnuPlotScripting/GnuPlotScripting.hpp"

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>

using namespace GnuPlotScripting;

// From: https://www.cs.hmc.edu/~vrable/gnuplot/using-gnuplot.html

  std::vector<double> time, angle, stdvar;

  time = {0.0,  1.0,  2.1,  3.1,  4.2,  5.2,  6.2,  7.2,  8.2,  9.1,  10.0, 11.0, 12.0,
          12.9, 13.8, 14.9, 15.9, 17.0, 17.9, 18.9, 20.0, 21.0, 22.0, 23.0, 24.0, 25.0,
          26.0, 27.0, 28.0, 29.0, 30.0, 31.0, 32.0, 32.9, 33.8, 34.7, 35.7, 36.6, 37.7};

  angle = {-14.7, 8.6,  28.8, 46.7, 47.4, 36.5, 37.0, 5.1,  -11.2, -22.4, -35.5, -33.6, -21.1,
           -15.0, -1.6, 19.5, 27.5, 32.6, 27.5, 20.2, 13.8, -1.3,  -24.5, -25.0, -25.0, -20.2,
           -9.9,  5.8,  14.7, 21.8, 29.8, 21.4, 24.6, 25.8, 0.6,   -16.6, -24.0, -24.6, -19.8};

  stdvar = {3.6, 3.6, 3.0, 3.4, 3.5, 3.4, 10.3, 3.4,  3.4, 3.5, 3.6, 3.9, 3.9,
            4.2, 2.7, 3.2, 2.8, 3.5, 2.7, 3.3,  3.4,  4.2, 6.7, 3.3, 3.1, 3.6,
            3.2, 3.2, 3.0, 3.5, 2.7, 4.1, 2.7,  12.0, 2.9, 3.2, 3.7, 3.8, 3.5};

  Script_File script("plot.gp");

  Data_Vector data(
      time, angle, stdvar);  // <- you can stack as many vector/valarray etc.. as you want
                             //    only size() and operator[] are required.

  script.free_form("set title 'Cavendish Data'");
  script.free_form("set xlabel 'Time (s)'");
  script.free_form("set ylabel 'Angle (mrad)'");
  script.free_form("set grid");
  script.free_form("plot {} with yerrorbars notitle", data);
  script.free_form("replot {} u 1:2 with lines title '{}'", data, "raw data");
  script.free_form("theta(t) = theta0 + a * exp(-t / tau) * sin(2 * pi * t / T + phi)");
  script.free_form("fit theta(x) {} using 1:2:3 via a, tau, phi, T, theta0", data);
  script.free_form("replot theta(x) lw {} lc {} title 'best-fit curve'", 2, 4);
  script.export_as(PNG(), "plot");

It generates this figure:


Note: the generated plot.gp gnutplot script embeds the data and you can replay it whenever you want:

gnuplot plot.pg -

3.2 Matrix data

#include "GnuPlotScripting/GnuPlotScripting.hpp"

#include <iostream>

using namespace GnuPlotScripting;

// Example from: https://stackoverflow.com/a/27049991/2001017
// Also see: https://stackoverflow.com/q/32458753/2001017
  Data_Ascii data(
      "0.00 0.65 0.65 0.25\n"
      "0.25 0.00 0.75 0.25\n"
      "0.50 0.60 0.00 0.25\n"
      "0.75 0.25 0.10 0.00\n");

  Script_File script("matrix.gp");

  script.free_form("set autoscale fix");
  script.free_form("set cbrange [-1:1]");
  script.free_form("unset colorbox");
  script.free_form("unset key");
      "plot {} matrix using 1:2:3 with image, '' matrix using "
      "1:2:(sprintf('%.2f', $3)) with labels font ',16'",
  script.export_as(PNG(), "matrix");
  script.export_as(EPSLATEX().set_standalone(true), "matrix");

It generates this figure:


It also generates a standalone matrix.tex file you can process with pdflatex matrix.tex to get a monochrome matrix.pdf file. If you want colorized pdf simply use:


3.3 Histogram

#include "GnuPlotScripting/GnuPlotScripting.hpp"

#include <iostream>
#include <random>

using namespace GnuPlotScripting;

// Example from:
// https://stackoverflow.com/a/7454274/2001017
template <typename T>
gnuplot_histogram(Script& script,
                  const std::vector<T>& data,
                  const size_t n_bin,
                  const typename std::vector<T>::value_type min,
                  const typename std::vector<T>::value_type max)
  assert(max > min);
  assert(n_bin > 0);

  Data_Vector gnuplot_data(data);

  const double width = (max - min) / n_bin;
  script.free_form("width={}", width);
  script.free_form("set title 'Histogram min={}, max={}, Δbin={}, #bins={}, #sample={}'",
  script.free_form("set boxwidth width*0.9");
  script.free_form("set style fill solid 0.5");
  script.free_form("plot {} u (hist($1,width)):(1.0) smooth freq w boxes notitle", gnuplot_data);

  std::random_device rd;
  std::mt19937 gen(rd());
  const double a = 2, b = 1;
  std::gamma_distribution<> distribution(a, b);

  std::vector<double> data(10000);
  for (auto& data_i : data) data_i = distribution(gen);

  Script_File script("histogram.gp");

  gnuplot_histogram(script, data, 100, 0, 3);

  script.export_as(PNG(), "histogram");

The generated figure is:


3.4 Graph

#include "GnuPlotScripting/GnuPlotScripting.hpp"

#include <iostream>

using namespace GnuPlotScripting;

// Example from the "Gnuplot in Action" book
  Data_Ascii data(
      "-1 -1 0    # A\n"
      "-1  1 0    # B\n"
      " 1  0 0    # C\n"
      " 0  0 1.75 # D\n"
      "-1 -1 0   -1 1 0     \n"
      "-1 -1 0    1 0 0     \n"
      "-1 -1 0    0 0 1.750 \n"
      "-1  1 0    1 0 0     \n"
      "-1  1 0    0 0 1.75  \n"
      " 1  0 0    0 0 1.75  \n");

  Script_File script_a("graph_3D.gp");

  script_a.free_form("unset border");
  script_a.free_form("unset tics");
  script_a.free_form("unset key");
  script_a.free_form("set view 75,35");
  script_a.free_form("splot {} index 0 with points pointtype 7 pointsize 3", data);
  script_a.free_form("replot {} index 1 u 1:2:3:($4-$1):($5-$2):($6-$3) with vectors nohead", data);
  script_a.free_form("pause -1");

  Script_File script_b("graph_2D.gp");

  script_b.free_form("unset border");
  script_b.free_form("unset tics");
  script_b.free_form("unset key");
  script_b.free_form("plot {} index 0 with points pointtype 7 pointsize 3", data);
  script_b.free_form("replot {} index 1 u 1:2:($4-$1):($5-$2) with vectors nohead", data);
  script_b.export_as(PNG(), "graph");

It generates this figure:


but also an active gnuplot 3D figure you can rotate etc…

3.5 Pipe example

Instead of creating a file, we can create a pipe with popen() to directly send data to gnuplot.

#include "GnuPlotScripting/GnuPlotScripting.hpp"

#include <chrono>
#include <iostream>
#include <thread>
#include <utility>  // std::pair
#include <vector>

using namespace GnuPlotScripting;

  // AFAIK one has to replot all data at each iteration
  std::vector<std::pair<size_t, double>> data;

  Script_Pipe pipe(Script_Pipe_Mode_Enum::Not_Persistent);

  pipe.free_form("set xlabel 'iterations'");

  for (size_t i = 0; i < 100; i++)
    data.push_back({i, 1 / (i + 1.)});

    pipe.free_form("plot '-' using 1:2 with lines t \"residue\" ");
    for (const auto& data_i : data)
      pipe.free_form("{} {}", data_i.first, data_i.second);


3.6 Supported export formats

This example silently exports a basic plot in all supported formats:

#include "GnuPlotScripting/GnuPlotScripting.hpp"

#include <iostream>

using namespace GnuPlotScripting;

  Script_File script("available_export_formats.gp", Script_File_Mode_Enum::Silent);

  script.free_form("plot sin(x) t 'sin(x)'");

  script.export_as(PNG(), "available_export_formats");
  script.export_as(EPSLATEX().set_standalone(true), "available_export_formats");
  script.export_as(SVG(), "available_export_formats");
  script.export_as(TGIF(), "available_export_formats");
  script.export_as(PNGCairo(), "available_export_formats_cairo");
  script.export_as(PNGCairo().set_color(false), "available_export_formats_cairo_nocolor");
  script.export_as(PDFCairo(), "available_export_formats_pdfcairo");

3.7 Global config demonstration

This last example shows how to use Global_Config.

#include "GnuPlotScripting/GnuPlotScripting.hpp"

#include <iostream>

using namespace GnuPlotScripting;

      [](const char *const msg) { std::cerr << "====> My logger " << msg << std::endl; });
  // If you want to remove logger:  global_config().set_logger();
  // If you want to restore the default one: global_config().set_default_logger();

  // If you want to globally overwrite Script_File_Mode_Enum to Persistent, do:

  for (size_t i = 1; i < 5; i++)
    Script_File script(fmt::format("script_{}.gp", i), Script_File_Mode_Enum::Silent);

    script.free_form("plot sin({0}*x) t 'sin({0}*x)'", i);

  // Now switch back to a regular configuration: stop overwriting
  // local script_file_mode.

  // Now this will silently run scripts
  for (size_t i = 1; i < 5; i++)
    Script_File script(fmt::format("script_{}.gp", i), Script_File_Mode_Enum::Silent);

    script.free_form("plot sin({0}*x) t 'sin({0}*x)'", i);

4 Documentation

The library is quite simple and there is only 3 things you must know:

  • Data_XXX are classes to store your data
  • Script_XXX are script classes to write your scripts
  • global_config() returns a Global_Config object used to define global options.

4.1 Data classes

4.1.1 Data_Vector

Creates columns of data from std::vector, std::valarray… In fact only the size() method and the operator[] operator are used and you can use any object defining these two methods. By example:

std::vector<double> v1(10);
std::vector<int> v2(10);
std::valarray<double> v3(10);
// ...
Data_Vector data(v1,v2,v3);

4.1.2 Data_Ascii

uses data already put in form into a std::string. By example:

Data_Ascii data(
    "0.00 0.65 0.65 0.25\n"
    "0.25 0.00 0.75 0.25\n"
    "0.50 0.60 0.00 0.25\n"
    "0.75 0.25 0.10 0.00\n");

It is really easy to define your own Data class. By example Data_Ascii code is as simple as:

class Data_Ascii final : public Data
  Data_Ascii(const std::string& data) : Data(data) {}

Also note that the Data base class provides a uuid that insures that data is embedded only once in the gnuplot script.

By example, when you write:

script.free_form("plot {} u 1:2",data);
script.free_form("replot {} u 1:3",data);
script.free_form("replot {} u 1:4",data);

data is copied into the script file only once.

4.2 Script classes

There are two script classes:

  • Script_File creates a file to store the script.
  • Script_Pipe creates a pipe to push data directly to GnuPlot, in that case no file is created.

They inherits from the Script base class that provides the following methods:

template <typename... ARGS>
Script& free_form(ARGS&&... args);

Script& export_as(const Export_As& export_as, const std::filesystem::path& output);

void flush();
  • free_form allows you to write free form using the fmt library, by example:
script.free_form("plot '{}' u {}:{}","data_file.dat",1,2);
  • flush() forces buffer to be flushed
  • export_as() generates script code to export the figure in the given format, by example:


  • the right extension for filename is automatically added

(here this would be .tex).

  • for the moment only two export formats are defined PNG, EPSLATEX. I will add more in the future.

4.2.1 Script_File class

The only relevant part is the constructor:

Script_File(const std::filesystem::path& filename,
            Script_File_Mode_Enum script_file_mode = Script_File_Mode_Enum::Persistent);
  • Filename is the gnuplot script file name (you are free to use the file extension you want, on my side I use the .gp extension).
  • script_file_mode is important as it defines what happens at destruction time
    • Script_File_Mode_Enum::None does nothing
    • Script_File_Mode_Enum::Silent silently runs GnuPlot (this will generate your exported figures)
    • Script_File_Mode_Enum::Persistent runs GnuPlot in persistent mode, it will generates your figures and left a window opened that allows you to see the result. This is only an opened window and not an active gnuplot session (you cannot interact with the plot).

Note: to get an active GnuPlot session, you can replay your script with:

gnuplot filename.gp -

(note the final ‘-‘, see GnuPlot documentation for further details).

Another possibility is to add a pause in your gnuplot script:

script.free_form("pause -1");

4.2.2 Script_Pipe class

Here instead of writing into a file, we open a pipe with popen. This allows you to directly command GnuPlot during your code execution. Note that this is only a unidirectional channel.

The constructor is:

Script_Pipe(Script_Pipe_Mode_Enum script_pipe_mode = Script_Pipe_Mode_Enum::Persistent);

as for Script_File class, script_pipe_mode defines what happens at destruction time:

  • Script_Pipe_Mode_Enum::Not_Persistent does not keep an opened window
  • Script_Pipe_Mode_Enum::Persistent keeps an opened, but inactive, window

4.3 Global_Config class

This class allows you to define or overwrite globally some options

const char* gnuplot_exe() const;
Global_Config& set_gnuplot_exe(const char* const gnuplot_executable);

Global_Config& set_logger();          // removes logger
Global_Config& set_default_logger();  // reuses default one
Global_Config& set_logger(const std::function<void(const char* const msg)>& f);  // defines your own
bool has_logger() const;
Global_Config& set_log_message(const char* const msg);

Global_Config& set_script_file_mode(
    Script_File_Mode_Enum mode);        // globally overwrite local 'script_file_mode'
Global_Config& set_script_file_mode();  // stop overwriting local 'script_file_mode'
std::optional<Script_File_Mode_Enum> script_file_mode() const;
  • set/gnuplot_exe() functions allow you to define GnuPlot executable filename, by default this is gnuplot or gnuplot.exe for windows.
  • set/logger() functions allow you to stop or redirect logs, by example:
global_config().set_logger([](const char *const msg) {
  std::cerr << "====> My logger " << msg << std::endl;
  • set_script_file_mode() functions are more interesting as they allow you to overwrite globally what happens at Script_File destruction time. A typical use case is as follows:

    Imagine that your code silently generates a lot of scripts:

for (size_t i = 1; i < 5; i++)
  Script_File script(fmt::format("script_{}.gp", i), Script_File_Mode_Enum::Silent);

  script.free_form("plot sin({0}*x) t 'sin({0}*x)'", i);

However at debug time, you want to force visualization to see what happens. In that case you simply have to add



for (size_t i = 1; i < 5; i++)

This will force all Script_File to use Script_File_Mode_Enum::Persistent

5 References


-> your question here

Mimicking named optional arguments in C++17

I just wrote a C++17 one header file library that will allow you to define named optional arguments.

It can be used to improves code readability by replacing obscure function/method calls like

          std::vector<double>(n, 0),
          std::vector<double>(n, 1),

by something like

          max_iterations = 100, 
          absolute_precision = 1e-6);

          absolute_precision = 1e-6, 
          lower_bounds<double> = std::vector<double>(n, 0));


supporting all the variations in position/definition for the optional arguments.

More details can be found in the OptionalArgument GitHub repository.

Curiously Recurring Template Pattern (CRTP) in depth

1 Classical implementation

CRTP is a useful tool to define C++ static interface (Wikipedia) CRTP.

As it does not induce run-time penalties, it is widely used when performance is required.

Maybe C++20’s Concepts will supplant this technique, but before I wanted to share my notes on the classical CRTP.

Its most basic form is as follows

#include <iostream>

template <typename IMPL>
class Crtp
  const IMPL& impl() const
    return static_cast<const IMPL&>(*this);

  size_t size() const
    return impl().size();

class A1 : public Crtp<A1>  // the CRTP trick
  size_t size() const
    return 10;

class A2 : public Crtp<A2>  // the CRTP trick
  size_t size() const
    return 20;

template <typename IMPL>
void foo(const Crtp<IMPL>& v)  // same code for A1 & A2, 
                               // no run-time penalty.
  std::cout << "\n" << v.size();

int main()
  A1 a1;

  A2 a2;

As you can see, CRTP allows you to define generic code (the foo() function) without run-time penalty (everything can be inlined by the compiler).

In the next sections I use c++17, but everything can be adapted to c++14 (or even to c++11 if you ignore the decltype(auto)) without pain.

2 Specializing return type

A first observation is that if you forgot to define the size() method

class A2 : public Crtp<A2>
  // size_t size() const  // oppss
  // {
  //   return 20;
  // };

then invoking a2.size() will cause a run-time error as

size_t Crtp::size() const
  return impl().size();  // infinite recursion

produces an infinite recursion (thus a stack overflow).

2.1 Using the auto keyword

To have different return type according to the specializations or to force compile-time checks of the method definitions, you can use the auto keyword as follows:

#include <iostream>

template <typename IMPL>
class Crtp
  const IMPL& impl() const
    return static_cast<const IMPL&>(*this);

  auto size() const  // auto
    return impl().size();

class A1 : public Crtp<A1>
  size_t size() const
    return 10;

class A2 : public Crtp<A2>
  // size_t size() const  <- oppss, but now you have a
  //                                compile-time error
  // {
  //   return 20;
  // };

Any attempt to compile the code causes now a compile-time error:

In instantiation of ‘auto Crtp<IMPL>::size() const [with IMPL = A2]’:
error: use of ‘auto Crtp<IMPL>::size() const [with IMPL = A2]’ 
before deduction of ‘auto’...

This is a good thing as errors are detected earlier.

IMHO a disadvantage is that it hides the returned types of the static interface.

auto Crtp<IMPL>::size() const // what is the returned type?

2.2 Using decltype(auto)

This is a general remark. If you want to return a value, use auto, if you want to return a reference, use auto&. However in some rare cases you want some specializations to return a value and some other specializations to return a reference. In that case you must use decltype(auto) as follows:

#include <iostream>

template <typename IMPL>
class Crtp
  const IMPL& impl() const
    return static_cast<const IMPL&>(*this);

  decltype(auto) size() const  //  decltype(auto)
    return impl().size();

class A1 : public Crtp<A1>
  size_t size() const  //  a value
    return 10;

class A2 : public Crtp<A2>
  size_t& size() const  //  a reference
    static size_t s = 20;
    return s;

template <typename IMPL>
void foo(const Crtp<IMPL>& v)
  std::cout << "\n" << v.size();

int main()
  A1 a1;
  // a1.size() = 30; compile time error: 
  //                       lvalue required as
  //                       left operand of assignment

  A2 a2;
  a2.size() = 30; // ok

2.3 Another way: using a type_traits

There is an alternative to auto. Actually, this was the historical approach before C++11.

Despite it requires some boilerplate code I prefer it as it makes the interface more readable.

For pedagogical purpose let’s try this and see why it does not work:

#include <iostream>

template <typename IMPL>
class Crtp
  const IMPL& impl() const
    return static_cast<const IMPL&>(*this);

  typename IMPL::size_type size() const  // does not work
    return impl().size();

class A1 : public Crtp<A1>
  using size_type = size_t;  // here

  size_type size() const  // here
    return 10;

int main()
  A1 a1;  // compile-time error

If you try to compile the code, you will get a compile-time error:

In instantiation of ‘class Crtp<A1>’:
   required from here
   error: invalid use of incomplete type ‘class A1’
   typename IMPL::size_type size() const  // compile-time error

The reason is when instantiating Crtp<A1> in

class A1 : public Crtp<A1>
{ ... }

the definition of A1 is not available (circular definition).

The solution is to use an extra independent Crtp_Type_Traits class. The working solution is as follows:

#include <iostream>
#include <type_traits>

template <typename IMPL>
struct Crtp_Type_Traits;  // here

template <typename IMPL>
class Crtp
  using exact_type = IMPL;                           // here
  using trait_type = Crtp_Type_Traits<exact_type>;   // here
  using size_type = typename trait_type::size_type;  // here

  const IMPL& impl() const
    return static_cast<const IMPL&>(*this);

  size_type size() const  //  a more readable interface
    return impl().size();

class A1;

template <>
struct Crtp_Type_Traits<A1>  //  some boilerplate code
  using size_type = size_t;

class A1 : public Crtp<A1>
  using base_type = Crtp<A1>;                       // here
  using size_type = typename base_type::size_type;  // here

  size_type size() const
    return 10;

class A2;

template <>
struct Crtp_Type_Traits<A2>  // some boilerplate code
  using size_type = std::integral_constant<size_t, 20>;

class A2 : public Crtp<A2>
  using base_type = Crtp<A2>;                       // here
  using size_type = typename base_type::size_type;  // here

  size_type size() const
    return {};

template <typename T>
struct is_integral_constant : std::false_type

template <typename T, T t>
struct is_integral_constant<std::integral_constant<T, t>>
    : std::true_type

template <typename IMPL>
void foo(const Crtp<IMPL>& v)
      << "\n"
      << v.size() << " has static size " << std::boolalpha
      << is_integral_constant<decltype(v.size())>::value;

int main()
  A1 a1;

  A2 a2;
10 has static size false
20 has static size true

For ease of comparison here is the version using auto. It is shorter but (IMHO) less convenient to manipulate/reuse returned type information.

#include <iostream>
#include <type_traits>

template <typename IMPL>
class Crtp
  const IMPL& impl() const
    return static_cast<const IMPL&>(*this);

  auto size() const
    return impl().size();

class A1 : public Crtp<A1>
  size_t size() const
    return 10;

class A2 : public Crtp<A2>
  std::integral_constant<size_t, 20> size() const
    return {};

template <typename T>
struct is_integral_constant : std::false_type

template <typename T, T t>
struct is_integral_constant<std::integral_constant<T, t>>
    : std::true_type

template <typename IMPL>
void foo(const Crtp<IMPL>& v)
      << "\n"
      << v.size() << " has static size " << std::boolalpha
      << is_integral_constant<decltype(v.size())>::value;

int main()
  A1 a1;

  A2 a2;

3 More levels in the inheritance hierarchy

Here is a less commonly explained extension of CRTP: the possibility to define a deeper hierarchy.

Here is a first, but not satisfactory, attempt:

#include <iostream>

template <typename IMPL>
class Crtp
  const IMPL& impl() const
    return static_cast<const IMPL&>(*this);

  size_t size() const
    return impl().size();

template <typename IMPL>
class A : public Crtp<IMPL>  // here
  size_t size() const
    return 10;

class B : public A<B>  // here
  size_t size() const
    return 20;

template <typename IMPL>
void foo(const Crtp<IMPL>& v)
  std::cout << "\n" << v.size();

int main()
  B b;

The code prints 20 as expected, but the problem now is that we cannot use the class A<> anymore:

int main()
  A<> a;  // how to use A<> alone? (this does not compile)
  B b;    // ok

Here is the right way to do things:

#include <iostream>

struct Crtp_Final_Impl;  // here

template <typename IMPL>
class Crtp
  const IMPL& impl() const
    return static_cast<const IMPL&>(*this);

  size_t size() const
    return impl().size();

template <typename IMPL = Crtp_Final_Impl>
class A :
    // --> here is the magic <--
    public std::conditional<
        std::is_same_v<IMPL, Crtp_Final_Impl>, Crtp<A<>>,
  size_t size() const
    return 10;

class B
    : public A<B>  //  the final class does not need
                   //  special considerations, A<B> is ok
  size_t size() const
    return 20;

template <typename IMPL>
void foo(const Crtp<IMPL>& v)
  std::cout << "\n" << v.size();

int main()
  A<> a;

  B b;

The role of

std::conditional_t<std::is_same_v<IMPL, Crtp_Final_Impl>,
                   Crtp<A<>>, Crtp<IMPL>>

is to define the right inherited type, namely

  • Crtp<A<>> when A<> a; is instantiated, in that case IMPL = Crtp_Final_Impl,
  • Crtp<IMPL> otherwise. For the case B b; this reduces to IMPL = B.

3.1 Less boilerplate code with the Crtp_Find_Impl helper

You can create more deeper hierarchy and automatize the type deduction as follows:

#include <iostream>

struct Crtp_Final_Impl;

template <template <typename> class THIS, typename IMPL,
          template <typename> class SUPERCLASS>
using Crtp_Find_Impl = SUPERCLASS<std::conditional_t<
    std::is_same_v<IMPL, Crtp_Final_Impl>,
    THIS<Crtp_Final_Impl>, IMPL>>;

template <typename IMPL>
class Crtp
  const IMPL& impl() const
    return static_cast<const IMPL&>(*this);

  size_t size() const
    return impl().size();

template <typename IMPL = Crtp_Final_Impl>
class A : public Crtp_Find_Impl<A, IMPL, Crtp>
  size_t size() const
    return 10;

template <typename IMPL = Crtp_Final_Impl>
class B : public Crtp_Find_Impl<B, IMPL, A>
  size_t size() const
    return 20;
class C : public B<C>
  size_t size() const
    return 30;

template <typename IMPL>
void foo(const Crtp<IMPL>& v)
  std::cout << "\n" << v.size();

int main()
  A<> a;

  B<> b;

  C c;

3.2 A problem remains, mimicking abstract interfaces

There is still another problem. Please note this problem cannot happen if you only have one level in the hierarchy, as in the Classical case.

For comparison purpose here is a code using dynamic interfaces:

#include <iostream>

class Crtp
  virtual size_t size() const = 0;  // a dynamic interface
                                    // (no crtp anymore!)

class A : public Crtp
  size_t size() const override  // a dynamic interface
                                // (no crtp anymore!)
    return 10;

class B : public A
  size_t size() const override  // a dynamic interface
                                // (no crtp anymore!)
    return 20;

class C final : public B
  size_t size() const override  // a dynamic interface
                                // (no crtp anymore!)
    return 30;

void foo(const Crtp& v)
  std::cout << "\nfoo:   " << v.size();

void foo_a(const A& v)
  std::cout << "\nfoo_a: " << v.size();

int main()
  A a;

  B b;

  C c;
foo:   10
foo_a: 10
foo:   20
foo_a: 20
foo:   30
foo_a: 30

We see that, as expected, the foo() and foo_a() results are identical.

However if we reuse the code of the Less boilerplate code with the Crtp_Find_Impl helper section:

template <typename IMPL>
void foo(const Crtp<IMPL>& v)
  std::cout << "\nfoo    " << v.size();

template <typename IMPL>
void foo_a(const A<IMPL>& v)
  std::cout << "\nfoo_a: " << v.size();

int main()
  A<> a;

  B<> b;

  C c;

you will get:

foo:   10
foo_a: 10
foo:   20
foo_a: 10 // problem, must get 20
foo:   30
foo_a: 10 // problem, must get 30

The origin of the problem is that when you call A::size() in foo_a() you shortcut the CRTP mechanism defined in:

size_t Crtp<IMPL>::size() const
  return impl().size();

A solution is to use something similar to the Non-virtual_Interface_Pattern:

#include <iostream>

struct Crtp_Final_Impl;

template <template <typename> class THIS, typename IMPL,
          template <typename> class SUPERCLASS>
using Crtp_Find_Impl = SUPERCLASS<std::conditional_t<
    std::is_same_v<IMPL, Crtp_Final_Impl>,
    THIS<Crtp_Final_Impl>, IMPL>>;

template <typename IMPL>
class Crtp
  using exact_type = IMPL;  // used to get type needed by
                            // friend declarations

  const IMPL& impl() const
    return static_cast<const IMPL&>(*this);

  size_t size() const
    return impl()
        .impl_size();  // do not call size() but a protected
                       // implementation impl_size()

template <typename IMPL = Crtp_Final_Impl>
class A : public Crtp_Find_Impl<A, IMPL, Crtp>
  // boilerplate code required
  // by the necessary friend declaration
  using base_type  = Crtp_Find_Impl<A, IMPL, Crtp>;
  using exact_type = typename base_type::exact_type;
  friend Crtp<exact_type>;

  // the protected implementation
  size_t impl_size() const
    return 10;

template <typename IMPL = Crtp_Final_Impl>
class B : public Crtp_Find_Impl<B, IMPL, A>
  // ditto
  using base_type  = Crtp_Find_Impl<B, IMPL, A>;
  using exact_type = typename base_type::exact_type;
  friend Crtp<exact_type>;

  // ditto
  size_t impl_size() const
    return 20;
class C : public B<C>
  // ditto
  using base_type  = B<C>;
  using exact_type = typename base_type::exact_type;
  friend Crtp<exact_type>;

  // ditto
  size_t impl_size() const
    return 30;

template <typename IMPL>
void foo(const Crtp<IMPL>& v)
  std::cout << "\nfoo:   " << v.size();

template <typename IMPL>
void foo_a(const A<IMPL>& v)
  std::cout << "\nfoo_a: " << v.size();

int main()
  A<> a;

  B<> b;

  C c;
foo:   10
foo_a: 10
foo:   20
foo_a: 20
foo:   30
foo_a: 30

Now the problem is fixed and the result is identical to the abstract interface behavior.

3.3 A final trick, compile-time check for interface

This trick is not really important, it is more for completeness that I present it. It allows you to check at compile-time if an object implements a given CRTP interface. This can be useful for SFINAE for instance.

Here is the code:

template <template <typename> class CRTP_INTERFACE,
          typename OBJ, typename ENABLE = void>
struct is_crtp_interface_of : std::false_type

template <template <typename> class CRTP_INTERFACE,
          typename OBJ>
struct is_crtp_interface_of<
                       OBJ> ||
            CRTP_INTERFACE<typename OBJ::exact_type>, OBJ>>>
    : std::true_type

A usage demo reusing the A problem remains, mimicking abstract interfaces code is as follows:

int main()
  static_assert(is_crtp_interface_of<B, B<>>::value);
  static_assert(is_crtp_interface_of<A, C>::value);
  static_assert(!is_crtp_interface_of<B, A<>>::value);
  static_assert(!is_crtp_interface_of<A, int>::value);

4 Putting everything together

A this point we have everything we need to properly use CRTP.

A sample code grouping all the tips we discussed is as follows:

#include <iostream>
#include <type_traits>

#include <iostream>

struct Crtp_Final_Impl;

template <template <typename> class THIS, typename IMPL,
          template <typename> class SUPERCLASS>
using Crtp_Find_Impl = SUPERCLASS<std::conditional_t<
    std::is_same_v<IMPL, Crtp_Final_Impl>,
    THIS<Crtp_Final_Impl>, IMPL>>;

template <typename IMPL>
struct Crtp_Type_Traits;

template <typename IMPL>
class Crtp
  using exact_type = IMPL;

  using size_type =
      typename Crtp_Type_Traits<exact_type>::size_type;

  const exact_type& impl() const
    return static_cast<const exact_type&>(*this);
  exact_type& impl()
    return static_cast<exact_type&>(*this);

  size_type size() const
    return impl().impl_size();

template <typename IMPL>
class A1;

template <typename IMPL>
struct Crtp_Type_Traits<A1<IMPL>>
  using size_type = size_t;

template <typename IMPL = Crtp_Final_Impl>
class A1 : public Crtp_Find_Impl<A1, IMPL, Crtp>
  using base_type  = Crtp_Find_Impl<A1, IMPL, Crtp>;
  using exact_type = typename base_type::exact_type;
  friend Crtp<exact_type>;

  using size_type = typename base_type::size_type;

  size_t _n;

  A1(size_t n) : _n(n)

  size_type impl_size() const
    return _n;

class A2;

template <>
struct Crtp_Type_Traits<A2> : Crtp_Type_Traits<A1<A2>>

class A2 : public A1<A2>
  using base_type  = A1<A2>;
  using exact_type = typename base_type::exact_type;
  friend Crtp<exact_type>;

  using size_type = typename base_type::size_type;

  A2(size_t n) : base_type(n){};

template <size_t N>
class B1;

template <size_t N>
struct Crtp_Type_Traits<B1<N>>
  using size_type = std::integral_constant<size_t, N>;

template <size_t N>
class B1 : public Crtp<B1<N>>
  using base_type  = Crtp<B1<N>>;
  using exact_type = typename base_type::exact_type;
  friend Crtp<exact_type>;

  using size_type = typename base_type::size_type;

  size_type impl_size() const
    return {};

int main()
  A1<>  a1(1);
  A2    a2(2);
  B1<3> b1;

5 Keep light classes, use functions

Now let’s discuss a little bit on how to use CRTP classes.

I personally prefer to keep the number of class methods as low as possible and use functions.

With functions you are not intrusive and have complex dispatches.

Using the Putting everything together code, here is some illustrations in the next subsections.

5.1 Construction by functions returning the right type

Functions can greatly facilitate the construction of the objects. One big advantage is that you can automatically return the best type according to the input argument types.

A2 create(size_t n)
  return A2(n);

template <size_t N>
B1<N> create(std::integral_constant<size_t, N>)
  return {};

int main()
  auto dynamic_size_obj = create(10);
  auto static_size_obj =
      create(std::integral_constant<size_t, 10>());

5.2 Generic functions

With functions you can easily create generic code

template <typename IMPL, typename... TAIL_IMPL>
bool same_size(const Crtp<IMPL>& obj,
               const Crtp<TAIL_IMPL>&... tail_obj)
  return ((obj.size() == tail_obj.size()) && ...);

int main()
  auto dynamic_size_obj = create(10);
  auto static_size_obj =
      create(std::integral_constant<size_t, 10>());

  assert(same_size(dynamic_size_obj, static_size_obj,

5.3 Powerful dispatches

Most importantly you can have complex dispatches

namespace Details
  template <typename IMPL1, typename IMPL2>
  void do_something(Crtp<IMPL1>&, Crtp<IMPL2>&)
    std::cout << "\n default implementation";

  template <size_t N>
  void do_something(B1<N>&, B1<N>&)
    std::cout << "\n static size specialization";
}  // namespace Details

template <typename IMPL1, typename IMPL2>
void do_something(Crtp<IMPL1>& o1, Crtp<IMPL2>& o2)
  Details::do_something(o1.impl(), o2.impl());

int main()
  A1<>  a1(1);
  A2    a2(2);
  B1<3> b1;

  do_something(b1, b1);  // "static size specialization"
  do_something(b1, a1);  // "default implementation"

6 It’s over for now

I hope this post was instructive and that I will have opportunities to post more complex usages. I personally use CRTP for some linear algebra and automatic differentiation codes.

A Meson starter script for C++ projects

What is it?

A simple script to create a Meson C++ project skeleton with Doxygen and gtest configured. The whole script can be found in this GitHub repo.


./create_project --help 

Create directory --help
Usage: mkdir [OPTION]... DIRECTORY...
Create the DIRECTORY(ies), if they do not already exist.

Mandatory arguments to long options are mandatory for short options too.
  -m, --mode=MODE   set file mode (as in chmod), not a=rwx - umask
  -p, --parents     no error if existing, make parent directories as needed
  -v, --verbose     print a message for each created directory
  -Z                   set SELinux security context of each created directory
                         to the default type
      --context[=CTX]  like -Z, or if CTX is specified then set the SELinux
                         or SMACK security context to CTX
      --help     display this help and exit
      --version  output version information and exit

or available locally via: info '(coreutils) mkdir invocation'
Create file      --help/meson.build
./create_project: line 48: --help/meson.build: No such file or directory

Detailed example

Project creation

To create a skeleton project in /tmp/MyProject, run

./create_project /tmp/MyProject 
Create directory /tmp/MyProject
Create file      /tmp/MyProject/meson.build
Create directory /tmp/MyProject/src
Create file      /tmp/MyProject/src/meson.build
Create directory /tmp/MyProject/src/MyProject
Create file      /tmp/MyProject/src/MyProject/meson.build
Create file      /tmp/MyProject/src/MyProject/hello.hpp
Create file      /tmp/MyProject/src/MyProject/hello.cpp
Create directory /tmp/MyProject/subprojects
Create file      /tmp/MyProject/subprojects/gtest.wrap
Create directory /tmp/MyProject/test
Create file      /tmp/MyProject/test/meson.build
Create file      /tmp/MyProject/test/hello.cpp
Create directory /tmp/MyProject/bin
Create file      /tmp/MyProject/bin/meson.build
Create file      /tmp/MyProject/bin/hello.cpp
Create directory /tmp/MyProject/sandbox
Create file      /tmp/MyProject/sandbox/meson.build
Create file      /tmp/MyProject/sandbox/hello.cpp
Create directory /tmp/MyProject/examples
Create file      /tmp/MyProject/examples/meson.build
Create file      /tmp/MyProject/examples/hello.cpp
Create directory /tmp/MyProject/doc
Create directory /tmp/MyProject/doc/figures
Create file      /tmp/MyProject/doc/meson.build
Create file      /tmp/MyProject/doc/Doxyfile.in
Create file      /tmp/MyProject/doc/bibliography.bib

You get a basic Meson project with the following directory hierarchy:

+ meson.build                    <- root meson file

+ src/
	+ MyProject/             <- your "MyProject" library (installed, scanned by Doxygen)
		+ hello.cpp
		+ hello.hpp
		+ meson.build
	+ meson.build

+ bin/                           <- binaries (installed, scanned by Doxygen)
	+ meson.build
	+ hello.cpp

+ sandbox/                       <- "sandbox" binaries (not installed, not scanned by Doxygen)
	+ meson.build
	+ hello.cpp

+ examples/                      <- "examples" binaries (not installed, Doxygen examples dir)
	+ meson.build
	+ hello.cpp

+ test/                          <- unit tests (not installed)
	+ meson.build
	+ hello.cpp

+ doc/
	+ meson.build
	+ bibliography.bib       <- doxygen + bibliography file (installed)  
	+ Doxyfile.in

+ subprojects/                   <- subprojects, here gtest (not installed)
	+ gtest.wrap

Build dir creation

To create your project build directory with /tmp/InstallDirectory as installation directory run:

cd /tmp/MyProject
meson build --prefix=/tmp/InstallDirectory

The Meson build system
Version: 0.49.2
Source dir: /tmp/MyProject
Build dir: /tmp/MyProject/build
Build type: native build
Project name: MyProject
Project version: 0.0.1
Native C++ compiler: ccache c++ (gcc 8.3.0 "c++ (Debian 8.3.0-6) 8.3.0")
Build machine cpu family: x86_64
Build machine cpu: x86_64
Downloading gtest source from https://github.com/google/googletest/archive/release-1.8.0.zip
Downloading file of unknown size.
Downloading gtest patch from https://wrapdb.mesonbuild.com/v1/projects/gtest/1.8.0/5/get_zip
Download size: 2084
Downloading: ..........

|Executing subproject gtest 
|Project name: gtest
|Project version: 1.8.0
|Native C++ compiler: ccache c++ (gcc 8.3.0 "c++ (Debian 8.3.0-6) 8.3.0")
|Dependency threads found: YES 
|Dependency threads found: YES (cached)
|Dependency threads found: YES (cached)
|Dependency threads found: YES (cached)
|Build targets in project: 0
|Subproject gtest finished.
Program doxygen found: YES (/usr/bin/doxygen)
Program dot found: YES (/usr/bin/dot)
Configuring Doxyfile using configuration
Build targets in project: 6
Found ninja-1.8.2 at /usr/bin/ninja

Project compilation

To compile your project (with its doxygen documentation) type:

cd build

[1/14] Compiling C++ object 'src/MyProject/63d4f26@@MyProject@sha/hello.cpp.o'.
[2/14] Compiling C++ object 'sandbox/b7ad567@@hello@exe/hello.cpp.o'.
[3/14] Compiling C++ object 'test/9f86d08@@hello_exe@exe/.._subprojects_googletest-release-1.8.0_googletest_src_gtest_main.cc.o'.
[4/14] Compiling C++ object 'test/9f86d08@@hello_exe@exe/hello.cpp.o'.
[5/14] Compiling C++ object 'bin/51a1f05@@hello@exe/hello.cpp.o'.
[6/14] Compiling C++ object 'test/9f86d08@@hello_exe@exe/.._subprojects_googletest-release-1.8.0_googletest_src_gtest-all.cc.o'.
[7/14] Compiling C++ object 'examples/c590b3c@@hello@exe/hello.cpp.o'.
[8/14] Linking target src/MyProject/libMyProject.so.
[9/14] Generating doc with a custom command.
warning: ignoring unknown tag `y' at line 2277, file doc/Doxyfile
Searching for include files...
Searching for files in directory /tmp/MyProject/src/MyProject
Searching for files in directory /tmp/MyProject/bin
Searching for example files...
Searching for files in directory /tmp/MyProject/examples
Searching for images...
Searching for files in directory /tmp/MyProject/doc/figures
Searching for dot files...
Searching for msc files...
Searching for dia files...
Searching for files to exclude
Searching INPUT for files to process...
Searching for files in directory /tmp/MyProject/src/MyProject
Searching for files in directory /tmp/MyProject/bin
Reading and parsing tag files
Parsing files
Preprocessing /tmp/MyProject/src/MyProject/hello.cpp...
Parsing file /tmp/MyProject/src/MyProject/hello.cpp...
Preprocessing /tmp/MyProject/src/MyProject/hello.hpp...
Parsing file /tmp/MyProject/src/MyProject/hello.hpp...
Preprocessing /tmp/MyProject/bin/hello.cpp...
Parsing file /tmp/MyProject/bin/hello.cpp...
Building group list...
Building directory list...
Building namespace list...
Building file list...
Building class list...
Associating documentation with classes...
Computing nesting relations for classes...
Building example list...
Searching for enumerations...
Searching for documented typedefs...
Searching for members imported via using declarations...
Searching for included using directives...
Searching for documented variables...
Building interface member list...
Building member list...
Searching for friends...
Searching for documented defines...
Computing class inheritance relations...
Computing class usage relations...
Flushing cached template relations that have become invalid...
Computing class relations...
Add enum values to enums...
Searching for member function documentation...
Creating members for template instances...
Building page list...
Search for main page...
Computing page relations...
Determining the scope of groups...
Sorting lists...
Freeing entry tree
Determining which enums are documented
Computing member relations...
Building full member lists recursively...
Adding members to member groups.
Computing member references...
Inheriting documentation...
Generating disk names...
Adding source references...
Adding xrefitems...
Sorting member lists...
Generating citations page...
Counting data structures...
Resolving user defined references...
Finding anchors and sections in the documentation...
Transferring function references...
Combining using relations...
Adding members to index pages...
Generating style sheet...
Generating search indices...
Generating example documentation...
Generating file sources...
Generating code for file hello.hpp...
Generating file documentation...
Generating docs for file hello.cpp...
Generating docs for file hello.hpp...
Generating page documentation...
Generating docs for page citelist...
Generating group documentation...
Generating class documentation...
Generating namespace index...
Generating graph info page...
Generating directory documentation...
Generating index page...
Generating page index...
Generating module index...
Generating namespace index...
Generating namespace member index...
Generating annotated compound index...
Generating alphabetical compound index...
Generating hierarchical class index...
Generating member index...
Generating file index...
Generating file member index...
Generating example index...
finalizing index lists...
writing tag file...
Running dot...
Running dot for graph 1/1
lookup cache used 5/65536 hits=10 misses=5
[10/14] Generating symbol file 'src/MyProject/63d4f26@@MyProject@sha/libMyProject.so.symbols'.
[11/14] Linking target bin/hello.
[12/14] Linking target sandbox/hello.
[13/14] Linking target examples/hello.
[14/14] Linking target test/hello_exe.

Note: You can visualize the generated documentation with:

chromium doc/html/index.html 

Running unit tests

To run unit tests, run:

ninja test
[1/2] Generating doc with a custom command.
warning: ignoring unknown tag `y' at line 2277, file doc/Doxyfile
Searching for include files...
Searching for files in directory /tmp/MyProject/src/MyProject
Searching for files in directory /tmp/MyProject/bin
Searching for example files...
Searching for files in directory /tmp/MyProject/examples
Searching for images...
Searching for files in directory /tmp/MyProject/doc/figures
Searching for dot files...
Searching for msc files...
Searching for dia files...
Searching for files to exclude
Searching INPUT for files to process...
Searching for files in directory /tmp/MyProject/src/MyProject
Searching for files in directory /tmp/MyProject/bin
Reading and parsing tag files
Parsing files
Preprocessing /tmp/MyProject/src/MyProject/hello.cpp...
Parsing file /tmp/MyProject/src/MyProject/hello.cpp...
Preprocessing /tmp/MyProject/src/MyProject/hello.hpp...
Parsing file /tmp/MyProject/src/MyProject/hello.hpp...
Preprocessing /tmp/MyProject/bin/hello.cpp...
Parsing file /tmp/MyProject/bin/hello.cpp...
Building group list...
Building directory list...
Building namespace list...
Building file list...
Building class list...
Associating documentation with classes...
Computing nesting relations for classes...
Building example list...
Searching for enumerations...
Searching for documented typedefs...
Searching for members imported via using declarations...
Searching for included using directives...
Searching for documented variables...
Building interface member list...
Building member list...
Searching for friends...
Searching for documented defines...
Computing class inheritance relations...
Computing class usage relations...
Flushing cached template relations that have become invalid...
Computing class relations...
Add enum values to enums...
Searching for member function documentation...
Creating members for template instances...
Building page list...
Search for main page...
Computing page relations...
Determining the scope of groups...
Sorting lists...
Freeing entry tree
Determining which enums are documented
Computing member relations...
Building full member lists recursively...
Adding members to member groups.
Computing member references...
Inheriting documentation...
Generating disk names...
Adding source references...
Adding xrefitems...
Sorting member lists...
Generating citations page...
Counting data structures...
Resolving user defined references...
Finding anchors and sections in the documentation...
Transferring function references...
Combining using relations...
Adding members to index pages...
Generating style sheet...
Generating search indices...
Generating example documentation...
Generating file sources...
Generating code for file hello.hpp...
Generating file documentation...
Generating docs for file hello.cpp...
Generating docs for file hello.hpp...
Generating page documentation...
Generating docs for page citelist...
Generating group documentation...
Generating class documentation...
Generating namespace index...
Generating graph info page...
Generating directory documentation...
Generating index page...
Generating page index...
Generating module index...
Generating namespace index...
Generating namespace member index...
Generating annotated compound index...
Generating alphabetical compound index...
Generating hierarchical class index...
Generating member index...
Generating file index...
Generating file member index...
Generating example index...
finalizing index lists...
writing tag file...
Running dot...
lookup cache used 5/65536 hits=10 misses=5
[1/2] Running all tests.
1/1 hello_test                              OK       0.01 s 

Ok:                    1
Expected Fail:         0
Fail:                  0
Unexpected Pass:       0
Skipped:               0
Timeout:               0

Full log written to /tmp/MyProject/build/meson-logs/testlog.txt

Project installation

Finally, if you want to install your project, run:

ninja install 
[1/2] Generating doc with a custom command.
warning: ignoring unknown tag `y' at line 2277, file doc/Doxyfile
Searching for include files...
Searching for files in directory /tmp/MyProject/src/MyProject
Searching for files in directory /tmp/MyProject/bin
Searching for example files...
Searching for files in directory /tmp/MyProject/examples
Searching for images...
Searching for files in directory /tmp/MyProject/doc/figures
Searching for dot files...
Searching for msc files...
Searching for dia files...
Searching for files to exclude
Searching INPUT for files to process...
Searching for files in directory /tmp/MyProject/src/MyProject
Searching for files in directory /tmp/MyProject/bin
Reading and parsing tag files
Parsing files
Preprocessing /tmp/MyProject/src/MyProject/hello.cpp...
Parsing file /tmp/MyProject/src/MyProject/hello.cpp...
Preprocessing /tmp/MyProject/src/MyProject/hello.hpp...
Parsing file /tmp/MyProject/src/MyProject/hello.hpp...
Preprocessing /tmp/MyProject/bin/hello.cpp...
Parsing file /tmp/MyProject/bin/hello.cpp...
Building group list...
Building directory list...
Building namespace list...
Building file list...
Building class list...
Associating documentation with classes...
Computing nesting relations for classes...
Building example list...
Searching for enumerations...
Searching for documented typedefs...
Searching for members imported via using declarations...
Searching for included using directives...
Searching for documented variables...
Building interface member list...
Building member list...
Searching for friends...
Searching for documented defines...
Computing class inheritance relations...
Computing class usage relations...
Flushing cached template relations that have become invalid...
Computing class relations...
Add enum values to enums...
Searching for member function documentation...
Creating members for template instances...
Building page list...
Search for main page...
Computing page relations...
Determining the scope of groups...
Sorting lists...
Freeing entry tree
Determining which enums are documented
Computing member relations...
Building full member lists recursively...
Adding members to member groups.
Computing member references...
Inheriting documentation...
Generating disk names...
Adding source references...
Adding xrefitems...
Sorting member lists...
Generating citations page...
Counting data structures...
Resolving user defined references...
Finding anchors and sections in the documentation...
Transferring function references...
Combining using relations...
Adding members to index pages...
Generating style sheet...
Generating search indices...
Generating example documentation...
Generating file sources...
Generating code for file hello.hpp...
Generating file documentation...
Generating docs for file hello.cpp...
Generating docs for file hello.hpp...
Generating page documentation...
Generating docs for page citelist...
Generating group documentation...
Generating class documentation...
Generating namespace index...
Generating graph info page...
Generating directory documentation...
Generating index page...
Generating page index...
Generating module index...
Generating namespace index...
Generating namespace member index...
Generating annotated compound index...
Generating alphabetical compound index...
Generating hierarchical class index...
Generating member index...
Generating file index...
Generating file member index...
Generating example index...
finalizing index lists...
writing tag file...
Running dot...
lookup cache used 5/65536 hits=10 misses=5
[1/2] Installing files.
Installing src/MyProject/libMyProject.so to /tmp/InstallDirectory/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu
Installing bin/hello to /tmp/InstallDirectory/bin
Installing /tmp/MyProject/build/doc/html/a00005.html to /tmp/InstallDirectory/share/doc/html
Installing /tmp/MyProject/build/doc/html/tab_h.png to /tmp/InstallDirectory/share/doc/html
Installing /tmp/MyProject/build/doc/html/sync_on.png to /tmp/InstallDirectory/share/doc/html
Installing /tmp/MyProject/build/doc/html/graph_legend.md5 to /tmp/InstallDirectory/share/doc/html
Installing /tmp/MyProject/build/doc/html/dir_68267d1309a1af8e8297ef4c3efbcdba.html to /tmp/InstallDirectory/share/doc/html
Installing /tmp/MyProject/build/doc/html/pages.html to /tmp/InstallDirectory/share/doc/html
Installing /tmp/MyProject/build/doc/html/jquery.js to /tmp/InstallDirectory/share/doc/html
Installing /tmp/MyProject/build/doc/html/menu.js to /tmp/InstallDirectory/share/doc/html
Installing /tmp/MyProject/build/doc/html/folderclosed.png to /tmp/InstallDirectory/share/doc/html
Installing /tmp/MyProject/build/doc/html/dir_12739b51ecd9f955b0759ea118dd308c.html to /tmp/InstallDirectory/share/doc/html
Installing /tmp/MyProject/build/doc/html/nav_f.png to /tmp/InstallDirectory/share/doc/html
Installing /tmp/MyProject/build/doc/html/tab_s.png to /tmp/InstallDirectory/share/doc/html
Installing /tmp/MyProject/build/doc/html/splitbar.png to /tmp/InstallDirectory/share/doc/html
Installing /tmp/MyProject/build/doc/html/graph_legend.png to /tmp/InstallDirectory/share/doc/html
Installing /tmp/MyProject/build/doc/html/closed.png to /tmp/InstallDirectory/share/doc/html
Installing /tmp/MyProject/build/doc/html/bdwn.png to /tmp/InstallDirectory/share/doc/html
Installing /tmp/MyProject/build/doc/html/a00015.html to /tmp/InstallDirectory/share/doc/html
Installing /tmp/MyProject/build/doc/html/tabs.css to /tmp/InstallDirectory/share/doc/html
Installing /tmp/MyProject/build/doc/html/doxygen.css to /tmp/InstallDirectory/share/doc/html
Installing /tmp/MyProject/build/doc/html/index.html to /tmp/InstallDirectory/share/doc/html
Installing /tmp/MyProject/build/doc/html/tab_a.png to /tmp/InstallDirectory/share/doc/html
Installing /tmp/MyProject/build/doc/html/open.png to /tmp/InstallDirectory/share/doc/html
Installing /tmp/MyProject/build/doc/html/menudata.js to /tmp/InstallDirectory/share/doc/html
Installing /tmp/MyProject/build/doc/html/graph_legend.html to /tmp/InstallDirectory/share/doc/html
Installing /tmp/MyProject/build/doc/html/nav_h.png to /tmp/InstallDirectory/share/doc/html
Installing /tmp/MyProject/build/doc/html/a00012.html to /tmp/InstallDirectory/share/doc/html
Installing /tmp/MyProject/build/doc/html/bc_s.png to /tmp/InstallDirectory/share/doc/html
Installing /tmp/MyProject/build/doc/html/doxygen.png to /tmp/InstallDirectory/share/doc/html
Installing /tmp/MyProject/build/doc/html/nav_g.png to /tmp/InstallDirectory/share/doc/html
Installing /tmp/MyProject/build/doc/html/dynsections.js to /tmp/InstallDirectory/share/doc/html
Installing /tmp/MyProject/build/doc/html/dir_2ea30aa2956a8db99dd22aa5e597f384.html to /tmp/InstallDirectory/share/doc/html
Installing /tmp/MyProject/build/doc/html/files.html to /tmp/InstallDirectory/share/doc/html
Installing /tmp/MyProject/build/doc/html/sync_off.png to /tmp/InstallDirectory/share/doc/html
Installing /tmp/MyProject/build/doc/html/folderopen.png to /tmp/InstallDirectory/share/doc/html
Installing /tmp/MyProject/build/doc/html/a00005_source.html to /tmp/InstallDirectory/share/doc/html
Installing /tmp/MyProject/build/doc/html/tab_b.png to /tmp/InstallDirectory/share/doc/html
Installing /tmp/MyProject/build/doc/html/doc.png to /tmp/InstallDirectory/share/doc/html
Installing /tmp/MyProject/build/doc/html/search/files_1.js to /tmp/InstallDirectory/share/doc/html/search
Installing /tmp/MyProject/build/doc/html/search/all_1.js to /tmp/InstallDirectory/share/doc/html/search
Installing /tmp/MyProject/build/doc/html/search/search_r.png to /tmp/InstallDirectory/share/doc/html/search
Installing /tmp/MyProject/build/doc/html/search/all_0.js to /tmp/InstallDirectory/share/doc/html/search
Installing /tmp/MyProject/build/doc/html/search/close.png to /tmp/InstallDirectory/share/doc/html/search
Installing /tmp/MyProject/build/doc/html/search/search.js to /tmp/InstallDirectory/share/doc/html/search
Installing /tmp/MyProject/build/doc/html/search/search_l.png to /tmp/InstallDirectory/share/doc/html/search
Installing /tmp/MyProject/build/doc/html/search/files_0.html to /tmp/InstallDirectory/share/doc/html/search
Installing /tmp/MyProject/build/doc/html/search/searchdata.js to /tmp/InstallDirectory/share/doc/html/search
Installing /tmp/MyProject/build/doc/html/search/nomatches.html to /tmp/InstallDirectory/share/doc/html/search
Installing /tmp/MyProject/build/doc/html/search/pages_0.html to /tmp/InstallDirectory/share/doc/html/search
Installing /tmp/MyProject/build/doc/html/search/all_0.html to /tmp/InstallDirectory/share/doc/html/search
Installing /tmp/MyProject/build/doc/html/search/files_1.html to /tmp/InstallDirectory/share/doc/html/search
Installing /tmp/MyProject/build/doc/html/search/mag_sel.png to /tmp/InstallDirectory/share/doc/html/search
Installing /tmp/MyProject/build/doc/html/search/search.css to /tmp/InstallDirectory/share/doc/html/search
Installing /tmp/MyProject/build/doc/html/search/pages_0.js to /tmp/InstallDirectory/share/doc/html/search
Installing /tmp/MyProject/build/doc/html/search/all_1.html to /tmp/InstallDirectory/share/doc/html/search
Installing /tmp/MyProject/build/doc/html/search/search_m.png to /tmp/InstallDirectory/share/doc/html/search
Installing /tmp/MyProject/build/doc/html/search/files_0.js to /tmp/InstallDirectory/share/doc/html/search
Installing /tmp/MyProject/src/MyProject/hello.hpp to /tmp/InstallDirectory/include/MyProject

Further information

Project file listings

The MyProject library

cat /tmp/MyProject/src/MyProject/hello.hpp
/// @file
/// @brief Hello lib file
include <string>

namespace MyProject {

  /// @brief A function 
  /// A bibtex reference example @cite pakkanen_meson_build_system
  /// Usage example @include hello.cpp
  std::string hello();
cat /tmp/MyProject/src/MyProject/hello.cpp

include "hello.hpp"

namespace MyProject {

  std::string hello() {
    return "Hello MyProject";

The project unit tests

cat /tmp/MyProject/test/hello.cpp

include "MyProject/hello.hpp"
include <gtest/gtest.h>

using namespace MyProject;

TEST(Hello, demo)
  ASSERT_EQ(hello(),"Hello MyProject");

The bin/hello.cpp file

cat /tmp/MyProject/bin/hello.cpp
/// @file
/// @brief Hello executable file
include "MyProject/hello.hpp"
include <iostream>

using namespace MyProject;

int main()
  std::cout << hello()  << " from bin/ " << std::endl;

The sandbox/hello.cpp file

cat /tmp/MyProject/sandbox/hello.cpp
/// @file
/// @brief Hello example file
include "MyProject/hello.hpp"
include <iostream>

using namespace MyProject;

int main()
  std::cout << hello() << " from sandbox/ " << std::endl;

The examples/hello.cpp file

cat /tmp/MyProject/examples/hello.cpp
/// @file
/// @brief Hello example file
include "MyProject/hello.hpp"
include <iostream>

using namespace MyProject;

int main()
  std::cout << hello() << " from examples/ " << std::endl;

More about Meson

Some Meson official site links:

Wolfram LibraryLink + Meson

I just released a demo/tutorial about Wolfram Library Link + C++ integration with the Meson build system. The GitHub repository is  here.

1 What is it?

The goal is to use the Meson build system to define an easy to use and
portable solution for Mathematica (MMA) Wolfram LibraryLink
. This GitHub repository is a small illustrative example.

The important files are:

+ meson.build
+ mma/
	+ algorithm1_mma.cpp
	+ config.wls
	+ meson.build
	+ myLib_mma.cpp
	+ myLib.wl
+ src/
	+ meson.build
	+ myLib/
		+ algorithm1.cpp
		+ algorithm1.hpp
		+ meson.build

2 How to use it?

2.1 Compile and install the package

git clone git@github.com:vincent-picaud/mma_meson_demo.git
cd mma_meson_demo
meson build --prefix=$(pwd)/install_dir
cd build
ninja install

you will get something like:

picaud@hostname:~/GitHub/mma_meson_demo$ meson build --prefix=$(pwd)/install_dir
The Meson build system
Version: 0.49.2
Source dir: /home/picaud/GitHub/mma_meson_demo
Build dir: /home/picaud/GitHub/mma_meson_demo/build
Build type: native build
Project name: Meson_MMA_Demo
Project version: undefined
Native C++ compiler: ccache c++ (gcc 8.3.0 "c++ (Debian 8.3.0-2) 8.3.0")
Build machine cpu family: x86_64
Build machine cpu: x86_64
Program wolframscript found: YES (/usr/bin/wolframscript)
Message: MMA library installation directory: /home/picaud/.Mathematica/SystemFiles/LibraryResources/Linux-x86-64
Message: MMA package installation directory: /home/picaud/.Mathematica/Applications
Build targets in project: 2
Found ninja-1.8.2 at /usr/bin/ninja
picaud@hostname:~/GitHub/mma_meson_demo$ cd build/
picaud@hostname:~/GitHub/mma_meson_demo/build$ ninja install
[5/6] Installing files.
Installing src/myLib/libmyLib.so to /home/picaud/GitHub/mma_meson_demo/install_dir/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu
Installing mma/libmyLibMMA.so to /home/picaud/.Mathematica/SystemFiles/LibraryResources/Linux-x86-64
Installing /home/picaud/GitHub/mma_meson_demo/src/myLib/algorithm1.hpp to /home/picaud/GitHub/mma_meson_demo/install_dir/include/myLib
Installing /home/picaud/GitHub/mma_meson_demo/mma/myLib.wl to /home/picaud/.Mathematica/Applications

Remark: [role of –prefix]

This demo will generate two dynamic libraries:

  • libmyLib.so a regular C++ library (totally independent of MMA)
  • libmylibMMA.so a dynamic library that uses MMA’s LibraryLink to wrap functions contained in libmyLib.so.

The libmyLib.so install directory is defined by the --prefix flag, with --prefix=$(pwd)/install_dir this is


in my case.

By default libmylibMMA.so is installed in the user directory


in my case.

The important point to understand is that libmylibMMA.so needs to know
where the libmyLib.so library is installed. We provide this
information by embedding it into the libmylibMMA.so rpath
. This section is filled by Meson at installation time. By
consequence to make it works we must define this installation path.

If the --prefix variable is not defined everything works equally well
except that you will need extra permissions to do a default system
install (invoked when you type ninja install).

2.2 Mathematica side

To test it works, type the following under Mathematica:

<< myLib`

data = {2, 1, 3, 5, 6, 6, 4, 3 };

it should print:

algorithm1[α_Real,vector_?VectorQ] returns α.vector

{200., 100., 300., 500., 600., 600., 400., 300.}

Remark: [ myLib`Private`unload[] ]

If you recompile the libmylib.so or libmylibMMA.so C++ library you
must call myLib`Private`unload[] to make MMA aware of this
modification (no need to kill the Kernel!).

Obviously, for regular uses of the MMA myLib package, you do not need
this function.

3 Portability

I have no access to Windows. It would we nice to have some feedback
concerning this platform:

  • [X] Mathematica + Linux
  • [X] Mathematica + MacOS
  • [ ] Mathematica + Windows ???

4 How it works?

4.1 meson.build

# Regular Meson C++ project
project('Meson_MMA_Demo', 'cpp')


# MMA specific
mma_wolframscript = find_program('wolframscript')

if mma_wolframscript.found()
  warning('Mathematica not found!')

The src directory contains a regular C++ meson project.

After having compiled it we test if the wolframscript executable is present, if so
we move to the mma directory.


Even if the wolframscript executable is not present, the regular libmylib.so C++ library
is properly compiled and installed.

4.2 ./src/meson.build

Ax explained, this is a regular C++ Meson project:

myLib_inc = include_directories('.')


4.2.1 ./src/myLib/meson.build

For this small demo we create a dynamic library libmyLib.so containing
only one file algorithm1.cpp. You can obviously add others files by
appending them to the myLib_headers and myLib_sources Meson variables.

myLib_headers = ['algorithm1.hpp']
myLib_sources = ['algorithm1.cpp']

myLib_lib = library('myLib',
                   include_directories : myLib_inc,
                   install : true,
                   sources: [myLib_headers,myLib_sources])

myLib_dep = declare_dependency(include_directories : myLib_inc,
                              link_with : myLib_lib)

                subdir : 'myLib')

4.3 ./mma/meson.build

This part is specific to MMA.

# Extract MMA information 
maa_config = run_command(mma_wolframscript,'-f',files('config.wls'), check: true)

maa_config = maa_config.stdout().split(';')

mma_include_directories = include_directories(maa_config.get(0).split(','))
mma_library_install_dir = maa_config.get(1).strip() # caveat: strip is mandatory to get 
mma_package_install_dir = maa_config.get(2).strip() # a correct filename

message('MMA library installation directory: '+mma_library_install_dir)
message('MMA package installation directory: '+mma_package_install_dir)

# myLibMMA library 

myLibMMA_sources = ['myLib_mma.cpp',

               sources: [myLibMMA_sources],
               dependencies: [myLib_dep],
               include_directories: mma_include_directories,
               install: true,
               # libmyLibMMA.so needs to find libmyLib.so, this can be done using rpath
               install_rpath: join_paths(get_option('prefix'),get_option('libdir')),
               install_dir: mma_library_install_dir)

# MMA package

install_data('myLib.wl', install_dir: mma_package_install_dir )

In a first step we run the config.wls script to extract from MMA the
relevant information required by the Meson build process. These
information are printed in a form easily readable by Meson:

wolframscript -f config.wls

These extracted information are stored into the mma_include_directories, mma_library_install_dir and mma_package_install_dir Meson variables.

In a second step we create the libmylibMMA.so dynamic library and also
define its rpath variable to allow it to find the installed
libmyLib.so library (see Compile and install the package).

In a third step we define where the MMA package myLib.wl will be
installed (here in the mma_package_install_dir default location).

That’s it!

4.4 config.wls

The config.wls script extracts the relevant information required by the
Meson build process.


(* MMA < v10.1 does not have native StringRiffle *)
stringRiffle[stringList_List,sep_String]:=TextString[stringList, ListFormat -> {"", sep, ""}];

(* stdout result in a format Meson can read *)

4.5 Our cpp files

This is really for demo purpose as we simply compute a scalar-vector product w=α.v

4.5.1 The libmyLib.so cpp files (our c++ library)

The ./src/myLib/algorithm1.hpp file:

#pragma once

#include <cstddef>

namespace myLib
  // For demo purpose: dest <- alpha.source
  void algorithm1(const double alpha,const double* source, double* dest, const size_t n);

The ./src/myLib/algorithm1.cpp file:

#include "myLib/algorithm1.hpp"

namespace myLib
  void algorithm1(const double alpha, const double* source, double* dest, const size_t n)
    for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++)
      dest[i] = alpha*source[i];

}  // namespace myLib

4.5.2 The libmyLibMMA.so cpp files (our MMA wrapper)

The ./mma/myLib_mma.cpp file:

#include "WolframLibrary.h"
#include "WolframSparseLibrary.h"

extern "C" DLLEXPORT mint WolframLibrary_getVersion() { return WolframLibraryVersion; }
extern "C" DLLEXPORT int WolframLibrary_initialize(WolframLibraryData libData) { return LIBRARY_NO_ERROR; }
extern "C" DLLEXPORT void WolframLibrary_uninitialize(WolframLibraryData libData) { return; }

The ./mma/algorithm1_mma.cpp file:

#include <cassert>
#include <iostream>

#include "WolframLibrary.h"
#include "WolframSparseLibrary.h"

#include "myLib/algorithm1.hpp"


// TODO replace asserts by MMA error message
extern "C" DLLEXPORT int algorithm1(WolframLibraryData libData, mint Argc, MArgument* Args, MArgument Res)
  // alpha
  const double alpha = MArgument_getReal(Args[0]);
  // source vector
  const MTensor src_tensor = MArgument_getMTensor(Args[1]);
  const mint src_rank = libData->MTensor_getRank(src_tensor);
  assert(src_rank == 1);
  const mint* const src_dims = libData->MTensor_getDimensions(src_tensor);
  const double* const src_data = libData->MTensor_getRealData(src_tensor);
  // dest vector
  MTensor dest_tensor;
  const mint dest_rank = src_rank;
  const mint dest_dims[] = { src_dims[0] };
  libData->MTensor_new(MType_Real, dest_rank, dest_dims, &dest_tensor);
  double* const dest_data = libData->MTensor_getRealData(dest_tensor);

  // call our libmyLib.so function 
  MArgument_setMTensor(Res, dest_tensor);

Author: picaud

Created: 2019-03-25 Mon 21:12



Managing a collection of git repositories

A small post to point out the existence of myrepos.

This tool allows you to manage a collection of git repositories.

Quoted from the official site:

You have a lot of version control repositories. Sometimes you want to update them all at once. Or push out all your local changes. You use special command lines in some repositories to implement specific workflows. Myrepos provides a mr command, which is a tool to manage all your version control repositories.

Imagine that you have several git projects ~/GitLab/project_A and ~/GitHub/project_B, etc…

Using mr is really easy. Simply register your projects:

mr register GitLab/project_A
mr register GitHub/project_B

and that’s it!

Note: you can see your registered repos in the ~/.mrconfig configuration file.

Now you can perform operations like status, update or push for all your repositories in one command line.

mr status
mr status: /home/picaud/GitLab/project_A

mr status: /home/picaud/GitHub/project_B

mr status: finished (2 ok)

If you modify some files:

cd /home/picaud/GitHub/project_B 
echo "some text" > another_file.cpp
git add another_file.cpp


mr status

will print:

mr status: /home/picaud/GitLab/project_A

mr status: /home/picaud/GitHub/project_B
A  another_file.cpp

mr status: finished (2 ok)

If you want to push everything (well, this is not a good practice):

mr commit -a -m "must leave the office in emergency..."

this will commits changes and push all your repos to their remotes.

Attention for the git users: the mr commit ... is equivalent to the two git operations: git commit ... followed by a git push. With mr, if you want to proceed step by step, use:

mr record -m "a commit message"
mr push

A very convenient command I ritually do every starting work day is:

mr update

this will update (fetch + pull) all your repos in one command line!


  • mr is available as a Debian package
  • is compatible with several versioning systems like git, svn, hg
  • here is the available commands (from mr manpage):
       mr [options] checkout

       mr [options] update

       mr [options] status

       mr [options] clean [-f]

       mr [options] commit [-m "message"]

       mr [options] record [-m "message"]

       mr [options] fetch

       mr [options] push

       mr [options] diff

       mr [options] log

       mr [options] grep pattern

       mr [options] run command [param ...]

       mr [options] bootstrap src [directory]

       mr [options] register [repository]

       mr [options] config section ["setting=[value]" ...]

       mr [options] action [params ...]

       mr [options] [online|offline]

       mr [options] remember action [params ...]

Generating Julia doc into Org-Mode documents

1 Context

This post presents J4Org.jl a Julia package I have started to develop to include Julia doc into Org-Mode documents. My goal was to be able to code and document Julia packages without leaving Emacs and to reduce as much as possible the burden of documentation.

2 Julia code documentation

Here is a short example. Imagine that your package is:

module Foo

export Point, foo
import Base: norm

#+Point L:Point_struct
# This is my Point structure
# *Example:*
# Creates a point $p$ of coordinates $(x=1,y=2)$.
# #+BEGIN_SRC julia :eval never :exports code
# p=Point(1,2)
# You can add any valid Org-Mode directive. If you want to use
# in-documentation link, use [[norm_link_example][]]
struct Point

# Creates Point at origin $(0,0)$ 
Point() = Point(0,0)

#+Point,Method L:norm_link_example
# A simple function that computes $\sqrt{x^2+y^2}$
# *Example:*
# See: [[Point_struct][]]
norm(p::Point)::Float64 = sqrt(p.x*p.x+p.y*p.y)

# An internal function
# For symbol that are not exported, do not forget the "Foo." prefix:
foo(r::Float64,p::Point) = Point(r*p.x,r*p.y)


The documentation template is very simple. Before each item you want to document add these comment lines:

#+Tag1,Tag2,... L:an_extra_link_if_required 
# Here you can put any Org mode text, for instance $sin(x)$
#!sin(5) # julia code to be executed
# [[internal_link][]]
struct A_Documented_Struct 
  • #+Tag1,Tag2,… is mandatory, “#+” is followed by a list of tags. Later when you want to extract doc you can do filtering according these tags.
  • L:an_extra_link_if_required is not mandatory. It defines a reference if you want to create doc links. The previous statement defines a link target named an_extra_link_if_required.
  • [[internal_link][]] creates a link to a previously defined L:internal_link.
  • !sin(5) will execute Julia code and include the output in the doc.

Also note that you can keep compatibility with docstring as follows:


foo function...
# foo function
foo() = ...

3 Org-Mode side

You need Org-Mode plus ob-julia.el to be installed. For illustration we use this minimal Org-Mode document:

#+PROPERTY: header-args:julia :session *my_session* :exports code :eval no-export
#+OPTIONS: ^:{}
#+TITLE: Getting Started with a minimal example

#+BEGIN_SRC julia :results output none :eval no-export :exports none
using J4Org 

* Example

Prints all documented items, except those tagged with "Internal" 
#+BEGIN_SRC julia :results output drawer :eval no-export :exports results
  • using J4Org uses this package
  • initialize_boxing_module(usedModules=[“Foo”]) defines what are the modules to use when executing Julia code extracted from the doc (the “#!” statements). Here we are documenting the Foo module, hence we must use it.
  • create_documented_item_array(“Foo.jl”) creates the list of documented items from file “Foo.jl”. You can use a list of files or a directory.
  • print_org_doc(documented_items,tag_to_ignore=[“Internal”],header_level=0) prints all documented items, except those tagged with “Internal”.

4 Result after html-export

When html-exported with Org-Mode this will generate this document:

Index: [P] Point [n] norm

  • Point
struct Point

This is my Point structure


Creates a point p of coordinates (x=1,y=2).


You can add any valid Org mode directive. If you want to use in-documentation link, use norm(…)

Foo.jl:8, back to index


Creates Point at origin (0,0)

Foo.jl:27, back to index

  • norm

A simple function that computes \sqrt{x^2+y^2}



See: struct Point

Foo.jl:31, back to index

5 Further information

You can visit J4Org.jl for further details. You can even install it (Pkg.add("J4Org")). I have used it to document DirectConvolution.jl (this Direct Convolution Package html page for instance).

Disclaimer: this package is still in early development.

Org Project Template

A short post to present a script that generates Org Mode projects templates. I am not sure that It can be used as it without extra configuration, however if you are interested you can give it a try.

To use it, simply clone the Project-Template-For-OrgMode GitHub repo. Before doing anything you can have a look at the generated template:

firefox  Project-Template-For-OrgMode/docs/index.html 

Now if you want to create your own project, simply type:

./create_orgMode_project ProjectName

This will create a directory ProjectName/ filled with the template. Again you can check the result with:

firefox  ProjectName/index.html 

Then use Emacs + OrgMode as usual.

Again, I m not sure if it can be useful for someone else, but it is the tool I routinely use to quickly start new projects/notes…

If you think it can be useful for you, do not hesitate to contact me in order to see what can be improved.

Julia with Emacs Org mode

CAVEAT (Tue Jan 15 09:19:56 CET 2019)

ob-julia is no longer supported (see emacs-org-mode-workflow for instance). One must now use Jupyter-mode with Julia kernel.

By consequence this post is now obsolete and does not work anymore. The right thing to do now is to use Jupyter-mode with Julia kernel. I will try to fix this post as soon as I will have the time to do it.


This post details how to use Emacs Org mode to create Julia notebooks and to perform HTML or PDF exports. I tried to get the simplest working solution.

Julia notebook functionality works out of the box thanks to ob-julia.el and this is what I am using instead of Jupiter notebooks. However, the solution to export HTML and PDF is not straightforward.

I wanted to:

  • have nice Julia code snippets with full UTF8 supports,
  • being able to export in both HTML and PDF, including bibliography.

I get a solution which is certainly not perfect, ideas to improve it are welcomed.

There are two points to take care of:

  • LaTeX does not fully support UTF8, nor its listings package.
    • for UTF8 support I had to switch to luatex, biber and minted package
    • I also had to use proper fonts, DejaVu, to support Greek letters and mathematical symbols.
  • to make the bibliography exportable in both HTML and PDF without .org file modification, I had to use a little trick.

The proposed solution uses:

  • ob-julia.el : to support notebook functionality,
  • ox-bibtex.el : used for html-export of the bibliography, requires bibtex2html (Debian package),
  • luatex : under Debian, included in the texlive-latex-base package,
  • biber : under Debian, the biber package,
  • pygments : under Debian, the python-pygments package. Attention with python3-pygments, it does not on my computer. I have not investigated this.

Maybe I have forgotten something, just tell me (I am only using Linux).

There is a GitHub repository to reproduce results of this post. The example.pdf generated file is also present.

Emacs configuration

Getting ob-julia.el and ox-bibtex.el

You can found ob-julia.el and ox-bibtex.el in Org-mode Contributed Packages. Easy download can be performed using:

curl -o emacs_files/ob-julia.el https://code.orgmode.org/bzg/org-mode/raw/master/contrib/lisp/ob-julia.el
curl -o emacs_files/ox-bibtex.el https://code.orgmode.org/bzg/org-mode/raw/master/contrib/lisp/ox-bibtex.el

Minimal init.el file

This is a minimal configuration to reproduce the results. The code with its comments is self-explaining:

;; Use your own packages for classical stuff
;; requires Emacs speaks statistics, Org
(require 'ess-site)
(require 'org)

;; removes ugly horizontal lines in html-exported code 
;; (not mandatory)
(setq org-html-keep-old-src t)

;; As ob-julia.el and ox-bibtex are less common, 
;; we use a local repository.
;; Usage: emacs -q --load emacs_files/init.el
;; In a more usual setting one should use:
;; (require 'ob-julia.el)
;; (require 'ox-bibtex)
(load-file "emacs_files/ob-julia.el") ; works with ess-site, our notebook engine
(load-file "emacs_files/ox-bibtex.el"); used for bibliography HTML-export 

;; allows julia src block (requires ob-julia.el)
(setq org-confirm-babel-evaluate nil)

 '((julia . t)))

;; defines image width in the OrgMode buffer (this is not for html
;; exports, for this you must use #+HTML_ATTR: :width 900px for
;; instance)
;; This is not mandatory, but useful when one uses the gr() Plots.jl
;; backend as it exports wide .png files. CAVEAT: use imagemagick for
;; image resizing.
(setq org-image-actual-width (/ (display-pixel-width) 4))

;; uses the minted package instead of the listings one
(setq org-latex-listings 'minted)

;; defines how to generate the pdf file using lualatex + biber
(setq org-latex-pdf-process
      '("lualatex -shell-escape -interaction nonstopmode -output-directory %o %f"
        "biber %b"
        "lualatex -shell-escape -interaction nonstopmode -output-directory %o %f"
        "lualatex -shell-escape -interaction nonstopmode -output-directory %o %f"))

.org file configuration

For demonstration purpose we define an .org file example. This file is kept very simple to do not distract from the required configuration part.

LaTeX directives

We have the LaTeX configuration part:

# uses minted package instead of listings 
#+LATEX_HEADER: \usepackage{minted}    

# uses fonts to support Greek letters etc...
#+LATEX_HEADER: \usepackage{fontspec}
#+LATEX_HEADER: \setmonofont{DejaVu Sans Mono}[Scale=MatchLowercase]

# defines the \begin{comment} \end{comment} environment, used to avoid
# conflict between bibtex and biblatex
#+LATEX_HEADER: \usepackage{verbatim} 

# uses the biblatex package (and not the old bibtex) 
#+LATEX_HEADER: \usepackage[backend=biber, bibencoding=utf8 ]{biblatex}
# our bibliography file
#+LATEX_HEADER: \addbibresource{my-bib.bib}

We then define our the Julia code highlight style. This style is used by minted for PDF export.


Our notebook

Now this is the beginning of our notebook. One can use Org as usual…

#+TITLE: My title
#+AUTHOR: author

* Very simple demo

#+BEGIN_SRC julia  :eval no-export :session *demo_session* :exports none
using Plots

** UTF8 support + escape math equation
Note that UTF8 is supported (the \alpha variable) :

#+BEGIN_SRC julia :eval no-export :session *demo_session* :exports both :results silent :wrap "SRC julia :eval never"
# Generate a matrix $a_{i,j}=\mathcal{U}([0,1[)$

** Long lines are wrapped

#+BEGIN_SRC julia :eval no-export :session *demo_session* :exports both :results output :wrap "SRC julia :eval never"
function ⊗(a::AbstractArray{T},b::AbstractArray{S}) where {T<:Number,S<:Number} kron(a,b) end;

γ = α ⊗ β

** Plot example

You can easily generate plots, one example from [[http://docs.juliaplots.org/latest/examples/pyplot/][Plots Julia package]],
 is used to generate Figure [[PolarPlot]].

#+BEGIN_SRC julia  :eval no-export :session *demo_session* :exports code :results silent
Θ = linspace(0,1.5π,100)
r = abs(0.1 * randn(100) + sin.(3Θ))

#+BEGIN_SRC julia  :eval no-export :session *demo_session* :results graphics :file example.png :exports results

#+CAPTION: A polar plot.
#+ATTR_HTML: :width 900px
#+NAME: PolarPlot

** Org with bibliography

{\frac {d}{dt}}\iint _{\Sigma (t)}\mathbf {F} (\mathbf {r} ,t)\cdot d\mathbf {A} = & \iint _{\Sigma (t)}\left(\mathbf {F} _{t}(\mathbf {r},t)+\left[\nabla \cdot \mathbf {F} (\mathbf {r} ,t)\right]\mathbf {v}
\right)\cdot d\mathbf {A} - \\
& \oint _{\partial \Sigma (t)}\left[\mathbf{v} \times \mathbf {F} (\mathbf {r} ,t)\right]\cdot d\mathbf {s} \nonumber

Eq. \ref{eq:one_eq} is demonstrated in cite:Flanders1973.


Now we reach a little trick to support both HTML and PDF bibliography exports:


#+BIBLIOGRAPHY: my-bib plain


To export HTML bibliography, ox-bibtex does the job with only one directive:

#+BIBLIOGRAPHY: my-bib plain

However, for PDF export we do not want to use ox-bibtex, as it does not support UTF8. The solution is to wrap this directive into a comment section in the generated .tex code:

#+BIBLIOGRAPHY: my-bib plain

Now we must tell LaTeX to use biblatex, this is done thanks to this directive:


Putting everything together you get the proposed solution. This is certainly not the cleanest approach, but I have not found simpler.

The my-bib.bib file

For our example we need a small bibliography my-bib.bib file:

  doi = {10.2307/2319163},
  url = {https://doi.org/10.2307/2319163},
  year  = {1973},
  month = {jun},
  publisher = {{JSTOR}},
  volume = {80},
  number = {6},
  pages = {615},
  author = {Harley Flanders},
  title = {Differentiation Under the Integral Sign},
  journal = {The American Mathematical Monthly}


You can visit the GitHub repo to reproduce the results.

Starting Emacs with the local configuration

From project root directory type

emacs -q --load emacs_files/init.el

to start a new Emacs with our local configuration.

Recomputing the notebook

As I potentially have several notebooks to publish I have used the :eval no-export argument. By consequence the notebooks are not evaluated each time you publish but only once. If you want to recompute everything every time, simply remove this option. You can also use the :cache option.

By consequence, before exporting you must begin by a first evaluation of the notebook. Visit the example.org buffer and do M-x org-babel-execute-buffer (or use the C-c C-v b shortcut). Attention, be sure that Plots.jl is installed.

ERROR: MethodError: no method matching start(::…)

In the ∗demo_session∗ Julia session buffer you will certainly see this error:

ERROR: MethodError: no method matching start(::...)

This is not our fault, but a known problem (that would need a fix) julia-print-commands-not-working-in-emacs-org-mode. It does not affect the computed result (but only the output processing). To get the right output (without the error message) one workaround is to restart computation of the source block (C-c C-c).


Still from the example.org buffer, you can do:

  • HTML export with: C-c C-e h o
  • PDF export with: C-c C-e l o

This should generate and open fresh hmtl and pdf files.

Note: concerning html files, this is a basic export, you can use your own HTML theme.